Unmasking the Mystery: Your Guide to Finding the Perfect Respiratory Protection 

Respiratory hazards are tricky, sometimes obvious and immediately felt and other times unseen and not felt but equally dangerous. Understanding how to protect yourself is
A white N95 mask with yellow straps and a blue surgical mask against a blue background
Respiratory hazards are tricky, sometimes obvious and immediately felt and other times unseen and not felt but equally dangerous. Understanding how to protect yourself is absolutely essential to keep our lungs breathing easy.

Respiratory hazards are tricky, sometimes obvious and immediately felt and other times unseen and not felt but equally dangerous. Understanding how to protect yourself is absolutely essential to keep our lungs breathing easy.

  1. Know Your Enemy (identify respiratory hazard)  

Identify the types of hazards lurking in the air – particles, gases, vapors, or a deadly combination of both. 

Typically, particles require a filter, while gases and vapors call for a cartridge. And don’t forget, there’s always the option of using a combo. 

  1. Gauge the Danger (assess the risk)  

Measure the exposure levels in your surroundings against OSHA’s occupational exposure limit (OEL) or permissible exposure limit (PEL).  

If you’re playing in the danger zone and your exposure levels meet or exceed the limits, protective gear is a non-negotiable. But if the levels are below the threshold, respirators might not be required by law, yet still worth considering for extra peace of mind. 

  1. Find Your Superhero (calculate shield strength)  

Know that all respirators need the NIOSH seal of approval. They’re assigned an assigned protection factor (APF) ranging from 10 to a whopping 10,000. 

APF of 10 indicates a respirator safeguards against exposures up to 10 times the PEL for that hazard. 

 3.5 – Calculate Your APF 

Simply divide your exposure levels by the limit. For example: 

Exposure Level:  

500 ppm 


PEL: 50 ppm  

APF = 10 

  1. Suit Up Wisely (Choose your defender!)  

Once you’ve got your APF superhero number, you can choose the perfect respirator that will keep exposure below the legal limit. Learn more about types of respiratory protection HERE.

And here’s a pro tip: Make sure your respirator plays nicely with any other protective gear you need, like safety glasses or hard hats. Everything should fit together seamlessly without compromising functionality.  

Inhaling the wrong stuff could hit you hard or creep up on you overtime, so let’s be proactive and protect those lungs. Choose the right gear for the job, and keep long-term hazards from wrecking havoc. Stay safe, breathe easy! 

Browse our respiratory protection here.

Read more about types of respiratory protection HERE.

Are you more of a visual/auditory learner? Watch our expert-led webinar on disposable respiratory protection HERE.

  1. https://www.3m.com/3M/en_US/respiratory-protection-us/support/center-for-respiratory-protection/respirator-selection/