High Visibility PPE is super common because it is one of the most important in protecting one of the most common and most fatal occupational hazard: struck-by. ANSI/ISEA 107-2020 sets forth criteria related to the general design requirements, testing and performance requirements and product labeling for high-visibility safety apparel used to enhance the presence of a wearer.
- In 2021, occupational struck-by incidents caused 1982 deaths
- 14,000 nonfatal construction sector injuries
- 45% of injuries were caused by a vehicle hitting a worker
- 1 fatality costs average $1.5M
- One of the best ways to prevent struck-by is through HI-VIZ
- ANSI 107-2020 the standard for HI-VIZ
- Learn more about Struck-By at the importance of Hi-Viz HERE
OSHA mandates the following occupations wear HI-VIZ:
- Highway maintenance
- Road construction work zone & public access roadways jobs
- construction, maintenance, utility, emergency/incident responders, and volunteers operating on or near any public-access roadways
Garments and other tools that are bright and contrasting in color, often with reflective striping to enhance visibility of a person or tool.
Color: Usually Fluorescent yellow-green/lime and orange because they are most visible to the human eye, less prone to “graying” and perform well in all lighting conditions
Reflective: Contain striping that reflects light, an X or H shape is most common on garments. For ultimate safety: contrasting striping is added: orange on lime and lime on orange.
ANSI/ISEA 107-2020
ANSI/ISEA 107-2020 sets forth guidelines related to Hi-Viz. Guidelines are divided into Types (O, R, P & Supplemental) and Classes (1, 2, 3 & E)
- Type O: Off-Road Warehouse
- Mining
- Petro-Chem
- Type R: Roadway
- Roadway Construction
- Municipalities
- Airline
- Type P: Public Safety
- Law Enforcement
- Fire
- Class 1: For type O, low risk workers
- Class 2: For type R & P, mid risk workers
- Class 3: For type R & P, high-risk workers
- Class E: Supplemental, not ANSI compliant on their own

Browse our hi-viz HERE.