How to Determine If Your Worksite Needs Fall Protection

Is Your Construction Worksite Safe from Falls? Here’s How to Find Out!  Do you cringe at the thought of potential slips, trips, or falls off

A bundle of fall protection hung up on a construction site

Is Your Construction Worksite Safe from Falls? Here’s How to Find Out! 

Do you cringe at the thought of potential slips, trips, or falls off ladders, scaffolding, and other essential pieces of equipment typical found on any construction site? If so then this blog post is here to help. From extreme heights to falling objects, it’s important to take precautionary measures when it comes to workplace safety. Use this guide offered by OSHA to determine if you need fall protection. 

Step 1. Check the stability of the surfaces where your workers will be walking and working. If they pass the test, move on to step 2. 

Step 2. Determine if you need fall protection or protection from falling objects. 

According to OSHA Subpart M, fall protection is required for workers at a height of 6 feet or more. It’s also necessary for those working near dangerous equipment, even if it’s under six feet. 

Employers must assess the risks of potential falls, such as floor holes, wall openings, and unprotected ledges. Falling object protection should be provided if there’s a chance of objects falling on workers. 

Step 3. Choose the right type of fall protection. Common options include guardrails, safety nets, and personal fall arrest systems. These are often referred to as “conventional fall protection.” 

PROTIP: Even if workers aren’t actively working, they still need fall protection when entering or walking on the worksite. 

Although falls are fairly common, they don’t have to be. With the right precautions, you can protect workers from potential injuries or fatalities caused by slips, trips, and falls. For more details on different types of protection solutions check out our blog on common types of fall protection or the ABCs of Personal Fall Arrest Systems – and don’t forget to shop our fall protection products! Keeping your workplace safe doesn’t have to complicated; now you know how to make sure your employees stay safe on site– and that’s no joke! 

  1. Risk Assessment

Learn more about conventional fall protection systems here.

Read about the ABCs of fall protection here.